5 Best Google Sandbox and Penalty Checker Tool in 2024

5 Best Google Sandbox and Penalty Checker Tool in 2024

Google Sandbox and Penalty Checker Tool to Use (2024)
Google sandbox and penalty checker tool can help you to find why your website is not ranking in Google. Google penalty checker tool helps you to find out whether your website got a penalty from Google or not so that you can take steps accordingly to improve the condition of your site. Sometimes getting penalized by Google deindexes all your pages from Google.

Google sandbox checker tool helps you to find whether Google put your website in sandbox or not. The sandbox is a term described by SEO experts to explain the situation where Google refuses to rank new websites and conducts some research before ranking them. Sandbox can also happen if Google penalizes you website and hence Google stops ranking your website or even showing your website in the search results. 

Now, if you want to check what the possible reason is that your website is not ranking in Google even though it has quality content, this Google sandbox and penalty checker tool can help you reason for that. In this article I have listed some Google sandbox and penalty checker tools you can use in 2024 also explained how to use them.

Top Google Sandbox and Penalty Checker Tools

These are the tools that can help you find Google sandbox and penalties,

1. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free set of tools for webmasters provided by Google. So how to use Google Search Console to find sandbox and penalties? You can do that just following two steps,

1. Check for manual actions and security issues

Google Sandbox and Penalty Checker Tool to Use (2024)
Like stated in the above image from menu section of Google search console go to "Security  & Manual Actions" then click on manual actions to check if Google penalized your site and put your site in sandbox or not.
Google Sandbox and Penalty Checker Tool to Use (2024)
Now again go to "Security Issues" from "Security  & Manual Actions" and find if there is any security issues found. 

Fixing this manual actions and security issues will fix penalties of your site and will remove your site from Google sandbox. 

2. Check Performance Issues

Google Sandbox and Penalty Checker Tool to Use (2024)

If you find any sudden drop in impressions and clicks in the performance tab, there is a high possibility that Google penalized your website and it is now in the sandbox. However, with continuous posting of high-quality content, you can earn Google's trust back.

2. Moz Google Algorithm Change History

Google Sandbox and Penalty Checker Tool to Use (2024)
Moz Google Algorithm Change History helps you to find all the Google algorithm core updates and their released dates. If you find sudden drop in impressions and clicks during the period of an core update that's because Google penalized your site and there is no doubt in that. 

Thus you can find if your site was penalized by Google from this tool. You can also find update related information and what's changed during this core update period from this tool.

3. Semrush Sensor

Google Sandbox and Penalty Checker Tool to Use (2024)
Semrush Sensor is a tool that indirectly helps you to check Google Sandbox and penalty. Semrush Sensor works by showing the search volatilities of different website niches. This tool shows which niches were more prioritized by Google and received more traffics than usual.

This tool also helps to find which websites were the winners and which were the looser under specific niche.

4. Paguin Tool

Google Sandbox and Penalty Checker Tool to Use (2024)
Panguin tool helps you to check Google Sandbox and penalty, all you need to do is sign in with Google Analytics account which connected to your website. Then you'll be able to see your traffic data during Google update period and also can find out if your website is penalized or not by traffic fluctuation data.

5. Fruition Penalty Checker

Google Sandbox and Penalty Checker Tool to Use (2024)
Fruition's penalty checker tool works by using a statistical analysis and provides a clear understanding into which Google updates have the most significant impact on your website. Then, suggests you what you should do next to recover from the penalty helping you remove your website from Google Sandbox.

Tips for Avoiding Google Sandbox and Penalty

To avoid your site being penalized or moved to Sandbox by Google follow this tips,
  • Avoid black hat SEO techniques.
  • Avoid unnatural link buildings.
  • Avoid buying links.
  • Avoid creating spammy contents.
  • Start writing helpful contents for your users.
  • Avoid copying contents from other websites.
  • Monitor backlinks regularly and disavow any toxic or spammy links that could harm your website.
  • Regularly update your website with fresh and relevant content.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing.