A-ADS Crypto Advertising Network for Publishers

A-ADS Crypto Advertising Network for Publishers

A-ADS (former Anonymous Ads) is the oldest crypto advertising network on the Internet. A-ADS started in 2011 and it is among the first to trade traffic for cryptocurrency. You can earn cryptocurrency or promote your business with A-ADS while remaining anonymous. It is mainly a CPM ad network. But it also works in CPA and CPC model.

A-ADS is clean advertising and they use no cookies, no pop ups and no JavaScript. All of their ad codes are generated in iframe format.

A-ADS pays more than most of the crypto ad networks

How A-ADS Works

A-ADS works in CPA, CPM and CPC models. It is a clean ad networks and it is one of the best crypto ad networks in the market. In terms of user satisfaction it is the best ad network in the market. It has cookies usage policy, no pop-up ads and no JavaScript as all of the ad codes are generated in Iframe format.

There are no minimum traffics and extra terms and conditions to get your website approved with A-ADS. Even with 0 traffic you can generate ad codes for your website. However your website must follow their publisher-policy to get approved. Also A-ADS payouts are transparent.


A-ADS has one of the high-paying CPM models. It provides the highest CPM rate in all crypto ad networks. CPM may differ by your website's niche and type of traffic your website received like country, whether the traffic is organic or not and other factors.

According to categories the CPM rates differs. Category-wise CPM rates are,
  • In Premium crypto category CPM rates are around $1 to $5, and CPC rates are around $.35 to $.7
  • In Premium [other] category CPM rates are around $.15 to $.01, and CPC rates are around $.05 to $.1
  • In Crypto category CPM rates are around $.3 to $.5, and CPC rates are around $.1 to $.2
  • In Blogs category CPM rates are around $.01 to $.05, and CPC rates are around $.01 to $.04
  • In Business & Finance category CPM rates are around $.3 to $.7, and CPC rates are around $.15 to $.2
  • In Community sites category CPM rates are around $.01 to $.05, and CPC rates are around $.01 to $.07
  • In Earning online category CPM rates are around $.01 to $.1, and CPC rates are around $.01 to $.07
  • In Science & Education category CPM rates are around $.01 to $.5, and CPC rates are around $.02 to $.5
  • In Entertainment category CPM rates are around $.01 to $.04, and CPC rates are around $.01 to $.03
  • In Goods & Services category CPM rates are around $.01 to $.03, and CPC rates are around $.01 to $.02
  • In Computers & Technology category CPM rates are around $.03 to $.1, and CPC rates are around $.04 to $.09
  • In News & Media category CPM rates are around $.01 to $.05, and CPC rates are around $.01 to $.03
  • In Adult category CPM rates are around $.01 to $.04, and CPC rates are around $.01 to $.02
  • In Online tools & Software category CPM rates are around $.09 to $.15, and CPC rates are around $.11 to $.13
  • In Unknown category CPM rates are around $.01 to $.015, and CPC rates are around $.01 to $.02

Referral and Affiliate Income

A-ADS has a referral and affiliate program. Create your referral link with A-ADS to Invite new advertisers with your referral link and get 10% of their spending for 6 months. No registration needed, just create an ad-unit of any type to get your affiliate link, it should take less than a minute.

Also Some of the advertisers in A-ADS use CPA/Revenue sharing model to reward their affiliates. They decide themselves how much they pay and for what.

Ad Formats

A-ADS has total 17 formats of ads and all of them are banner ads. The ad formats are, Adaptive, 120x60, 120x600, 125x125, 160x600, 200x200, 240x400, 250x250, 300x250, 300x600, 320x50, 320x100, 336x280, 468x60, 728x90, 970x90, 970x250.

The adaptive one provides the highest CPM rates.

Minimum Required Traffics

A-ADS has no minimum monthly or daily traffics requirements. Even with 0 traffic you can create your ad unit codes. Ad units codes are generated in iframe format so you can just place your iframe code where you want to show ads in your website.


A-ADS has transparent pay-out systems. So you can easily withdraw your money in your crypto wallet. If you want to withdraw your earnings in your Faucetpay wallet then the minimum withdrawal amount is 1 Satoshi (0.00000001 BTC and 0.00027$) but if you want to withdraw in your bitcoin address then the minimum withdrawal amount is 100,000 Satoshi (0.001 BTC and 27$).

Ad acceptance policy

They accept only legit services ads that don't violate any country's laws. Ads that promote illegal services or activities will be rejected.

You cannot use A-ADS to advertise:

  • Drugs
  • Weapons
  • Violence
  • Child porn
  • Scam

They reject:

  • Ads with tg-groups where chat is disabled
  • Ads with broken links
  • Ads with an invalid goal tracking link
  • Ads with outdated banners
  • Ads without enough info on the website/tg group
  • Discord groups
  • Pump & Dump groups/channels
  • WhatsApp groups and chats
  • Personal telegram accounts
  • Empty telegram groups


I have generated so many clicks/impressions. Why am I not get paid for them?
A-ADS is not a pay-per-click or pay-per-impression network. They allocate advertisers' money to publishers' ad units by unique impressions.

My website generates a lot of quality traffic, but my earnings are too
Traffics type, location your website niche matters for earning.

How are unique impressions counted? Are the numbers correct?
They have a different method of counting unique impressions: they only count globally unique impressions as unique. Their numbers differ from those shown in Google Analytics or other ad networks.

How do I create an ad unit for a site with many pages (each with unique or
dynamic URL)?
You can create an ad unit for one page and use it on all other pages within the same domain. Make sure the pages share the same domain name. Otherwise, your impressions won't be counted as unique.

How to fix empty targeting?
The status "empty targeting" means that there are no ad units that match your campaign's settings and targeting criteria.

The number of ad units per page limit or how many ad units are allowed?
You can place as many banners on your site as you want, but only up to three ad units per page will be served to your website visitors.

What is daily budget?
The daily budget is the amount of money you allow us to distribute between ad units during a day in exchange for a share of their impressions.